Sunny Lin’s kite World
Sunny Lin was born in 1947 in the keeling city Taiwan
About his micro kite , he says : I made it at 1998, it is a glider kite but just like fighter can be flying by single line.

It is a really scale 1:1 as same as a real butterfly. The roots are bamboo, under 0.5x0.3 mm to 0.2x0.1 mm.

Hand made paper was made in Taiwan; a sheet is 135 cm x 75 cm weight 12 g or less.

Those photo show you how I did it.

Mr. Lin ' s " biggest " mini kite is only of a palm size , the small one is just as big as a thumb , and the lightest one is no more than o.ol gram, even the most Sensitive electronic scale fails to sense its weight .

On top of that , Mr. Lin's designs range from an assortment of animals to plants, from cartoon characters to auspicious totems. Maple leaves and butterflies are Mr. Lin's favorites among them . Especially the butterfly collection, each design is vividly and proportionally made based on illustrated books about Taiwanese butterflies..

Lin shared one anecdote with us about his butterfly kite.

One day, Mr. Lin flied his butterfly kite near a bridge, suddenly a bat coming out of nowhere attacked his kite.

After a short tag-of-war, Mr. Lin finally reclaimed his butterfly back.

He noticed that the butterfly kite remained marks of bite by the bat.

Mr. Lin said one thing that made his kites unique was his concept of making mini kites.

Thanks to his resourceful knowledge of airplanes, Mr. Lin transformed the concept of making model planes into kite making and further renovated the structure and design to suit the kites ' flying nature .

Mr. Lin's mini kites can soar by itself without the reliance of flying strings.

Each work is actually an alternative fling vehicle.
Show this poetic film below

with Sunny Lin
Kite Maker

Film realized by M. Zhou

Thanks to Kisa,
to introduce us to Sunny Lin